Tool 7: The “Maturity level of HWF Planning Data Management” Checklist – contributes to the optimisation of data management specifically for HWF planning data. This Checklist provides practical steps for data-handling processes to be tailored, adapted to the national context/needs.
Tool type: Checklist
Target group: HWF Planning Committee if applicable, institution/authority responsible for HWF planning, HWF data collector and analyst
Benefit of the tool: provides support to explore the current state of national HWF planning data, data collections and areas to be improved

Please mark the Table column by column by answering YES or NO. If you mark NO, please consider further suggestions for improvement provided in the brackets.



You have no results

HWF Planning data handling

HWF Planning data

Do you use Registry data for HWF planning?



No (please consider how you could use, maintain, validate and update the Registry data for HWF planning)
  Have you identified the data necessary for HWF planning?



No (please read more about necessary data)
Do you conduct different data collections for HWF planning? (e.g. sampled surveys, additional data collections, secondary data collection)


No (please consult the options on how additional data collections could be initiated, and see Tool 10)
  Is the data necessary for HWF planning available?




No (please check whether necessary data is available and manageable to collect in your country, and see R10)
Do you have standard codes at the national level (data/variables categorised in the same way at every data collecting institute)?


No please consider checking the crucial HWF planning data categories)
  Do you carry out continuous situation analysis, monitoring and environment scans?



No (please check data coverage, what variables are included in data analyses)
Do you have a specific intersectoral integrated database and proper central data warehouse for HWF planning?


No (please consider official documents and legislation that require or codify a HWF planning data warehouse and aim to facilitate data exchanges between data collecting and reporting institutes in order to set up and build the HWF planning data warehouse, which would ideally consist of multi-sectoral and multi-professional data, where individual data is completed with sampled survey results, see R7-9)
  Do you have available data to track imbalances of national HWF?



No (please, check the frequency of updates)
Do you have a database and data warehouse that is supported by IT solutions?



No (please consider whether your country is planning to develop this field contact stakeholders with IT expertise)
  Do you regularly revise data coverage and completeness to react to and reflect changes?


No (please use Tool 9-10 to reveal timeliness, availability, accuracy, completeness and comprehensiveness of data, and R10)
Do you have a national HR/HWF information system?


No (please consider how IT systems communicate in your country and consider whether your country is planning to develop business intelligence tools)
  Do you regularly check data quality, reliability and validity?


No (please, use Tool 9-10, and see R12)


Do you link data sources and data sets?


No (please consider the ideal composition of data sources. What types of data sources to link: Registry (authorisation register ideally available online), residence and employment, tax-payroll)
  Do you use assessment tools?



No (please consider assessment options and use the Toolkit regularly)
Have you set data-sharing agreements/joint ownerships to ensure accessibility?


No (please consider official documents and legislation that require or codify HWF planning data warehouses and aim to facilitate data exchanges between data collecting and reporting institutes in order to ensure accessibility)
  Do you cover both the supply and demand sides?


No (please check materials for necessary data and good practices in HWF planning data collections, and see R10 for data collection objectives)
Do you use a single ID to link data?



No (please consider data protection and privacy regulations in your country)
Do you have established forecasting models and a methodology for HWF planning?


No (see good practices in D052)
Do you have data management standards used in other sectors economic/science as a good practice?



No (please consider collecting good practices from other sectors)
  Is your forecasting model based on a
simple scenario/estimations? (HWF to population ratio)



No (see good practices in D052)


Is your forecasting model based on a complex mathematical simulation? (need-based projections)


No (see good practices in D052)
Do you intend to involve real-time data beyond the healthcare sector (Big Data)?



No (please consider whether your country is planning to develop this field of innovative technology, and see R9)
  Do you endeavour having data in yearly time series for HWF planning, e.g. FTE, Activity status categories, private sector?



No (please consider checking your data)
Have you increased or maintained the interest and motivation of data collectors, thereby ensuring real engagement and involvement?


No (please consider the interest and motivational factors of data collectors when developing and updating HWF planning data collections)
  Is the projection period long enough to implement actions?



No (please consider your historical context when setting up the projection period)
Do you regularly report data to decision-makers?



No (please provide feedback to decision-makers continuously)
  Do you update HWF planning projections regularly?


No (please consider updates every 2-3 years; and see the good practices in the D052)

First steps are done, however gaps are experienced. Let us move
further in data management development